
Cosplay is more than just costuming; it’s makeup and hair, it’s acting, it’s filming and photography. It’s one person becoming an entire movie crew for themself. Just because the art is created the comfort of their own home and performed in front of a selfie camera or on a convention floor doesn’t mean it’s less than other performance forms.

Here you’ll find a number of the cosplays I have created, with descriptions of who this character is and how I created the look. Use the dropdown menu above or follow the links.

Mickey Smalls, Frankenstein Monster
TMNT Donnie, some Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles inspired cosplay
Doctor Rip, post-apocalypse doctor who looks like a used car salesman
Sonic the Hedgehog, because of course!
Apocalypse Blare, an alternate reality form of a long-standing character of mine
Mort, an alternate reality form of another long-standing character of mine
Silas Lilinsen, demonic bartender
Sixpence the Spite Fairy, who is incapable of saying positive words
Victor Francis, a mystery